Ascending safely since 1979!

Innovation + Know How + Close to the Customer = Advanced Security

At PAPPAS Elevators we provide "Advanced Security" in transports inside buildings! We want our customer or the consumer of our products to feel safe, enjoy the experience of transportation and

Taking advantage of the 3 basic elements of our company's character we constantly grow, improving our customers service and strengthening their trust.


We understand and use innovation as a characteristic that will lead is to the future. Continuous investments at all levels help in the quality upgrade and functionality of our products and services.

Know How

We are the elevators company that constantly invests in and and enchances the know-how of its employees. At the same time we grow and implement new practices, that help us stay ahead of our competitors.

Developments are led by the pioneers!

Close to the Customer

Our customers choose us because they know that we are always by their side. We are close to our customers making them feel safe.

After all, our company is proud that 94% of its customers states being "Very much" or "Extremely" satisfied by our customer service. We are close to the customer with facts and proof!

Why then PAPPAS Elevators?

For all the reasons above and many more awaiting for you to discover them, by contacting our company..
